Is it Time for You to Consider Dental Implants?

The word dental surgery naturally strikes fear in many hearts and the obvious route that people tend to take are the ones that involve a more non-invasive approach. Missing teeth are still being replaced by dentures when a better substitute is readily available in the form of implants. In the best clinic for tooth implant in Delhi, your doctors will always suggest you go for this modern alternative to dentures as the complications involved are minimum and the benefits you reap are unparallel. And thus, it is time for you to seriously consider dental implants as dentures have become a solution of the past.

Dentures and its associated mishaps

Although dentures may present itself as easy fixes for missing teeth, they do accompany certain long-term complications. Take the bridge-type dentures for example. They sit on your adjacent teeth for support which, in the long run, is bound to cause wear and tear on the teeth that are serving as the denture’s pivot. Plus, maintaining dentures is quite cumbersome and if not taken care of properly, may lead to gum infections that have no relation with your existing teeth’s health.

Hence, a dental implant tooth can serve as the perfect substitute. It does not take the support of any other tooth. It sits on your jaw bone like its peers, strong and independent. And cleaning it is the simple process of regular brushing and flossing as you normally do on your standard oral hygiene maintenance routine. And certainly, logic dictates that you start considering dental implants, even though your dentures have served you perfectly up to this point. An implanted tooth is exactly like your natural tooth, it needs no extra care.

The procedure to get an implant

Once you have decided to get an implant, the first natural course is to find the best clinic for tooth implant in Delhi. In a clinic that specializes in dental implant a dental implant specialist will attend to you and not anyone else. A surgeon with experience in dental implant procedure will advise you and do the procedure on you. From here on, the process can be summarised as follows:

  • Through a surgical procedure, the implantologist will place the implant on your jaw bone on the location of your missing tooth.
  • Following this, you will be kept under a healing routine which may cover a timespan of up to a few weeks.
  • Once the place is healed, the doctor will then place a custom-made crown on the implant, and you are done with the whole implant surgery.

The entire process of getting a dental tooth implant is quite painless and complication-free provided you get it done at the best dental clinic in New Delhi. A procedure of a few weeks can enable you to maintain your oral integrity for a lifetime without frequent work behind your oral health. Dental implants are truly the solution of the modern age. It is time that you embrace it with an open mind.

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